Not able to access Github Private Repo's if user not owner.App Crashes at pasting anything in "Apply Patch" via "Patch Text".Constant Crashes Switching Between Repositories.Setting system mercurial in Sourcetree preferences results in 'Mercurial Not Found'.Mac: staged / unstaged files TreeView is not scrolling properly using mouse wheel.Line numbers in diff panel are cut off.Diff view loses scroll position after refresh.Finishing a release using embedded Git Flow and embedded Git fails.Finishing a release with git flow partially completes but fails silently.git-flow actions like finish Feature/Hotfix fail with authentication error when there is remote associated and repo is https.Interactive Rebase background is black.Added new Github Oauth App scopes to support private repositories.Fixed issue showing incorrect toolbar buttons background when using white theme.Fixed issue with the "Check for updates" functionality for Sourcetree Beta builds.Where as there won't be any imapct on the existing user's repositories. For accessing Private repos or Organizational repos users have to reconfigure the GitHub account in Sourcetree by revoking the Authorization access for "SourcetreeForMac" application from GitHub website and reconnecting GitHub account in Sourcetree.The repository browser under "Remote" doesn't list Bitbucket cloud shared/group/external workspaces.Failed to list teams for the user(username).Could not create a new remote BitBucket repository.message: No workspace with identifier '' on "Remote" tab.Unable to list/view any remote Bitbucket repositories with Soucetree app.Dragging pending file path to external editor fails."The file can’t be found." when drag-n-drop to open files with external editor.Crashes frequently without doing anything on Apple Silicon M1.Embedded git don't work on M1 architecture.Support Personal Access Token for github accounts.Embedded git binaries having not universal architecture.Fixed drag-n-drop of files from staged/unstaged sections in "Tree view" mode.Fixed errors when creating remote repositories on GitHub / GitHub Enterprise.
Difffork os x password#
The "Basic" authentication type for GitHub accounts has been removed from Sourcetree because GitHub has discontinued password authentication to the API starting on Novemfor all "" accounts.These issues have been fixed in version 2.39.1
Difffork os x code#
Git has patched these two critical severity security vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code after successfully exploiting heap-based buffer overflow weaknesses.