One should not risk a “re-marriage” if one’s “previous” marriage is doubtful or probably invalid. In our unfortunate situation, there is an easy and effective way for these people to solve their marital dilemmas: abstinence and chastity. In any case, the fact that even as late as 1968 there were only 338 annulments given for the entire United States that year should give helpful context in this regard. No one currently possesses the authority to issue judgments in these marriage cases and so the best our clergy can do is investigate to give someone some sense of probability, but no more than that. But this is something that falls directly under the legal functions of the Church and does not fall under epikeia. The SSPX has engaged in this sham for years, but it has been known for some time that some of the CMRI’s priests engage in the judging of marriage cases. The CMRI’s laxity on this issue is only more troubling when compounded by their permissiveness in the creation of annulment tribunals.

Growing up conservative Novus Ordo, I still remember my father occasionally painfully telling us that “what Father said today wasn’t right.” Do people who attend una cum Masses want to undermine clerical authority in the minds and hearts of their children when they too have to “correct” Father’s words on the ride home from Mass? I can just imagine the conversation, “Daddy, what did Father mean in the sermon when he said that we have a duty to resist ‘Rome’ and the Pope? I thought there wasn’t a Pope.” From the mouths of babes… Yet the CMRI permits, and in some cases, encourages people to attend Masses that name him in the Canon. The CMRI acknowledges that Bergoglio and several of his predecessors are clearly not vicars of Christ, instead enemies of God and His Church. Lest my anecdote be marginalized as permissive in my particular case but contrary to the actual rule, there is also a publicly available document in which Bishop Pivarunas defends attendance at una cum Masses as legitimate and permissible in itself.Īssistance at an una cum Mass is objective participation in the modernist Novus Ordo. Rather than rebuke this position, the bishop merely said something to the effect of “what else can you do” and said that he understood. In 2011, returning from a CMRI ordination in Spokane which I had attended, I ran into His Excellency in the airport and in the course of a brief discussion I disclosed, somewhat shamefacedly, that I attended Mass with the SSPX. One of those voices was Bishop Mark Pivarunas of the CMRI. This was in part due to my emotional attachment to the sacraments, but also because there were clerical voices telling me that attendance at these Masses was permissible. My journey from ten years in the SSPX (“recognize and resist”) position to sedevacantism took roughly two years, but it would be another two before I would stop attending the SSPX Mass in Kansas City, where I lived. I did not come to the non una cum position right away.

Coming to proper Christian thinking and acting at every moment is a long process, never likely to be fully achieved by many of us during this life.

One has to learn things over time from various sources and even then, one has to then contend against the widespread malformation of human minds worldwide, general disrespect of clergy, and the frequent failure to recognize the laity’s proper role in subordination to those clergy. There is no Wikipedia for traditional Catholicism. ‘normal Catholics.’“įor all current news, visit our News home page.Part 1 of a three part series: Part 2, Part 3 Bishop Fellay remarked that the permission to ordain bishops is “one more step in his acceptance that we are. Pope Francis has already said that SSPX priests have the authority to hear sacramental confessions and preside at weddings that will be recognized by the Catholic Church. The SSPX has been involved in talks with the Vatican, aimed at regularizing the status of the group, and informed sources have indicated that an agreement is close to establish the SSPX as a personal prelature. He said that the move indicated that although the status of the SSPX remains irregular, “the ordination is recognized by the Church not just as valid but in order.” “Last year, I received a letter from Rome, telling me you can freely ordain your priests without the permission of the local ordinary,” Bishop Fellay reported. Shop: Roman Catholic "RC" Brand Original White Logo Collection All-Over Sweatshirt | Multiple colors and sizes available!